Mount Greylock
Elevation: 3,491'
Vertical Gain: 2,791'
Date: August 25, 2003
Time: Late morning
Weather: Fair
Party: Bob, Kevin, Vince
Although I have previously been to several highpoints including Mount Washington,
Clingman's Dome, Mount Greylock, and Mount Marcy prior to our decision to become true
highpointers, we are only counting Mount Greylock towards our official tally. This is because it
meets the criteria of doing it together, climbing and not driving (there is also an auto road up),
being relatively recent, and having a witness. Unfortunately, I was not able to dig up a photo of
us at the summit although I believe one exists. This was actually my second time to the top
with the first being a drive up many years earlier.

This peak was achieved on day two of a six day backpacking trip on the Appalachian Trail with
Kevin and Dad from Route 2 in North Adams to US 20 near Lee. The first day Mom drove us up
and we covered the uphill 2.9 miles from US 20 at 700' to Wilbur Clearing Lean-to at 2,300'.
From there, it was 3.6 miles over Mount Williams to the summit. We enjoyed the views and
some large burgers at Bascom Lodge before continuing another 3.5 miles to Mark Noepel
Lean-to for the night. Being able to buy lunch was fortunate since I mistakenly bought the
wrong fuel canisters for my stove. Our trip was in jeopardy until a nice hiker we camped with
who was finishing his hike saved our trip by lending me his stove which I sent back after our